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1. The rights of intellectual property of the Web, their source code, design, structure of navigation, data bases and the different elements in him contained are LABORATORIOS ownership PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A. to whom corresponds the exclusive exercise of the rights of operation of the same in any form and, especially, the reproduction rights, distribution, communication publishes and transformation.

2. These general conditions regulate the access and use of the Web site (to put name of the page) that LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A. puts free of charge at the disposal of the users of Internet. The access to the same implies its acceptance without reserves. The use of certain services offered in this site will be in force in addition by the anticipated particular conditions in each case, which will be understood accepted by the mere use of such services.

3. One authorizes the visualization, impression and partial unloading of the content of the Web only and exclusively if the following conditions concur: 1) That he is compatible with the aims of the Web 2) That is realised with the exclusive spirit to obtain the data contained for personal and deprived use. Its use with commercial aims is prohibited specifically or for his distribution, communication it publishes, transformation or descompilación. 3) That no of the contents related in this Web is modified of way some. 4) That no graph, icon or image available in this Web are used, copied or distributed separately of the text or rest of images accompany that it

4. The Alter Group reserves the faculty to carry out, at any time and without needing previous warning, modifications and updates of the information contained in its Web, of the configuration and presentation of this and the conditions of access

5. LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A., does not guarantee the nonexistence of interruptions or errors in the access to the Web, in their content, nor that this one is updated, although will develop their better efforts, where appropriate, to avoid them, to correct them or to update them.

6. As much the access to this Web as the use that can become of the information contained in the same is of the exclusive responsibility of realises that it. LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A., will not respond of any consequence, damage or damage that could derive from this access or use of the information. LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A., does not become person in charge of the possible errors of security that can be produced nor of the possible damages that can be caused to the computer science system of the user (hardware and software), the files or documents stored in the same, as a result of the presence of virus in the computer of the user used for the connection to the services and contents of the Web, of a bad operation of the navigator or the use of versions nonupdated of the same.

7.LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A., assumes responsibility some derived from the concession or contents of the connections of third parties to which reference in the Web becomes, neither guarantees the absence of virus or other elements in which they can produce alterations in the computer science system (hardware and software), documents or the files of the user, excluding any responsibility by the damages of any class caused to the user for this reason.

8. LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A. is holder of the rights of intellectual and industrial property referred to their products and services. With respect to the product appointments and services of third parties, LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A. does not recognize in favor of their holders the corresponding rights of industrial and intellectual property, not implying their single mention or appearance in the Web the existence of rights or responsibility some LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A. on the same, like either endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation on the part of the same

9. The nonauthorized use of the information contained in this Web, his reventa, as well as the injury of the rights of Propiedad Intelectual o Industrial de LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A., will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.

10. All connection of third parties to this Web must be it to its main page or of entrance.

11. LABORATORIOS PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A. and the user, with express resignation to any other law that could correspond to them, independent of the fact that the user has his address outside Madrid, are put under the one of the courts and courts of the city of Cordova (Spain).


In some pages of the Web personal data to their users are asked for, like the full name, the direction, mail-and, nº of telephone, etc., to be able to take care of of the best possible form the present or future consultations and claims, that go to this Web site, as well as services like procedure of discharge in cases, questionnaires, surveys, etc.

In no case from the Web information to third parties will be provided that it identifies to his users without an authorization of these, safe for the strict and unique aim to take care of of the best possible form the consultations or claims received in the page Web.
The LABORATORIOS company PEREZ GIMENEZ S.A., guarantees the confidentiality in the treatment of the personal character data that are asked for through the Web, as well as the implementation of the measures of technical and organizational nature that guarantee the security of these data.

The process of navigation of a user in the Web, like in any other Web site it leaves like “sign” the direction IP that in that session has been assigned him by its Supplier of Access.

The registry of this direction IP is used only for exclusively internal aims, as they are the statistics from access to this Web site. Direction IP for a same user is different from a connection from Internet from another one, and so it is not possible to deduce any “habit” of navigation through the page Web by usuary determining, courts and courts of the city of Cordoba (Spain)-